About Me

My name is Cynthia Coppinger. I am a certified elementary teacher, and now a full time mommy. I have struggled with infertility, fertility treatments, and the loss of a child in utero.

My husband and I began the foster adopt process, and then found out we were pregnant with twins. We lost our precious baby boy, Owen Paul, on October 31st, 2010 at 18 weeks pregnant. We delivered our daughter, Julia Ruth, in March 2011. She was very healthy, and has blessed our lives richly. After Julia was born we began the process to adopt from Haiti. That was put on hold when we became pregnant again, and we welcomed Amelia Jane in April 2013. Our girls keep us very busy, but God is calling us to much more. We are currently looking at different agencies to adopt through so we can continue the process to adopt from Haiti. In July 2013, God called me to help create economic opportunity for the vulnerable by partnering with Noonday Collection as an Ambassador. God is moving BIG through Noonday Collection and lives all over the world are being changed!

I enjoy cooking, and have recently taken up sewing so you will see some of those things up here. Mostly though, I will be writing about how I deal with pain, the joy my daughter brings me, our new journey to adopt, and what God is doing in my life. I hope that as you read you will be encouraged!

Thanks for coming along for the ride. Enjoy!

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